Traditional Nativity with a Modern Twist

I love Christmas and all of the memories that it brings with it each year. When I was little I used to help my Tita (grandma) with her nativity. It was a big project! Her nativities were well known in her neighborhood because they filled up her entire garage. I used to help her paint the little cardboard houses and had a lot of fun making the roads, mountains and rivers.

It’s been 14 years since I left Honduras and I’ve missed celebrating Christmas with this beautiful Honduran tradition. Now that I am married, have a beautiful 21 month old daughter and live in a small but cute house, I am excited to bring back some childhood traditions to our family!

I am very happy with my first nativity made up of small hand painted rocks nestled in between my succulents. I had a lot of fun painting each little detail and was inspired by Alisa Burke’s rock magnets as well as by villages from my beautiful country.

One thought on “Traditional Nativity with a Modern Twist

  1. Precioso, esa mezcla de naturaleza, tradiciones para celebrar el nacimiento de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, el arte en pequeñas rocas : bellooo, las casitas campesinas , el pesebre , los caminos y todo rodeado con el colorido del arte en rocas. Ahora cuidemos a Baby Natalia que va a querer sentarse a jugar con todo lo que la mama creo…. 🙂 …

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